As I was looking at this awesome picture of the 1978 Daytona Supercross starting line, the scripture came to me:
Many are called, but few are chosen.
Immediately my mind raced to a time some years ago while I was driving through a large cemetery burial ground in San Antonio, TX. While viewing the multiple thousands of headstones a very sobering feeling of awe and wonder came over me and the thought of all the people who have passed through this earth.
Google informed me that approximately 110 Billion people have been born into this planet we call Earth, with just under 7% who have ever been born, alive right now in 2015.
Then I wondered how many of those billions of people really understood that they were called and how easy it is to be a Chosen one?
God has given a call (invitation) out to all and when one chooses Faith in Jesus Christ, God chooses them.
In other words, we become Gods choice when we believe in the work He has already done for us on the Cross. The promise is, we receive abundant life that now is and eternal life that is to come.
Believe you are called and choose Jesus. When we choose Him, He immediately chooses us. Choose well my friend, choose well!
We’re Champions because of Him!