Pastor Steve Wise Moto Fellowship
Focusing on spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ utilizing social media, mobile phone and website technologies.
The Man
“Steve’s authentic and personal approach to people and ministry, combined with his passion both for Christ and the lost, make him a very effective minister.” —Randy Ayres Lead Pastor, Cross Mountain Church
The Message
“Steve’s gift of evangelism and his passion for Christ makes him most effective as he travels and shares the good news of the gospel … and everyone is encouraged.” —Ron Corzine, Christian Fellowship
The Mission
Steve travels throughout the US and parts of the world sharing his testimony and the incredible message of Jesus Christ. If you would like to have him speak at your church or group, please contact us.
Steve Wise
“Whether at the Dallas Cowboy’s Stadium, Motocross race tracks or in a Church building full of precious people, my goal is to present the Glorious message of Good News that Jesus Christ saves, heals and delivers us from our failures and weakness.”
As many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe on His name. – John 1:12

Your Gifts Make the Difference
Moto Fellowship
We are a community of people all over the world experiencing God and connecting with one another through weekly Facebook Live events and online interactive chat. Wherever you find yourself in life, we want to be a place you can depend on for receiving inspiration, encouragement, and support.
How Can I Serve You?

We believe the local church is foundational to God’s plan for his people and consider it an honor to support them.

The Christian life is meant to be lived out among people. It’s great being able to minister to the people at racing events.

If you would like to have Steve speak at your event, we would love to talk to you. Don’t be shy. Please contact us.

Do you have a men’s group or small gathering that you think Steve would be a blessing to? Let’s talk. Reach out today.
About Steve
Steve Wise had a racing career unlike any other racer in the history of the American Motorcycle Association. The last few years of his racing career are what set him apart from every other rider who has ever raced an AMA professional sanctioned event. If you would like more info, check out this article called “STEVE WISE: THE GREATEST ALL-AROUND MOTORCYCLE RACER OF ALL-TIME.”
What Others Are Saying about Steve
"How about pastor Steve Wise? I mean one of - if not 'the' greatest motorcycle racer in the history of racing... and he takes the time out each and every week to preach the word. Because of Steve, I realized what's missing in my life...."
"Steve Wise is a minister of the gospel, not so much because he has a degree to prove it, but because he lives a life that reveals it… I highly recommend Steve and his ministry."
Become A Partner Of
Moto Fellowship
Dear Friends, I’m asking you to become a Partner of Moto Fellowship with your Monthly donation. This helps me continue taking this Good News to the World.